
الـفـشـل لا يـهـم،
فـمـن الـشـجـاعة
أن تـجـعـل مـن نـفـسـك أضـحـوكـة.
شارلي شابلن

لا يملكه الأغبياء

إذا كان الاثنان على وفاق فلا بد أن أحدهما غبي..!
لان الاختلاف شعور بالذات لا يملكه الأغبياء ..

do it right

If you are going to do something wrong
do it right.

dying to do

First I was dying to finish high school and start college.

And then, I was dying to finish college and start working. 

Then, I was dying to marry and have children. 

And then, I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work. 

But then, I was dying to retire. 

And now, I am dying…… 

And suddenly realized, I forgot to live.


Alone I can only say but together we can shout,
Alone I can only smile but together we can laugh,
Alone I can only live but together we can celebrate,
Alone I can only speak but together we can discuss,
Alone I can only be a member but together we can be team,
Alone I can only power but together we can synergy,
Alone I can only be a petal but together we can be flower,
Alone I can only write but together we can share & blog.

I believe

I believe that to learn you have to live. I believe that to love someone you have to give.  I believe one moment can change your life And there's still help when you’re in strife. I believe everyone has one true friend. I believe love helps a broken heart mend. I believe in the power of a song And things will change before too long. I believe living is the best experience. I believe in not laughing at other people’s expense. I believe it’s hard to watch a lover leave And when they’re gone all you can do is breath. I believe to always look on the bright side. I believe that life is just one big ride. I believe when I die people will grieve But it’s ok because I believe.



ليس هذا الذي يبقينا مع من نحب حتى الصباح

بل هو الذي يجعل الصباح مستحيلا في غياب من تحب


A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable
but more useful than a life spent doing nothing

الحياة المليئة بالأخطاء
 أكثر نفعاً وجدارة بالاحترام من حياة فارغة من أي عمل

Beware of the man

Beware of the man
who does not return your blow 
he neither forgives you nor allows you to forgive yourself

كن حذراً من الرجل الذي لا يرد لك الصفعة 
فهو بذلك لا يسامحك ولا يسمح لك بمسامحة نفسك

What is a friend

What is a friend?
 I will tell you...it is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.
                                                                                                                                  Author: Frank Crane